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Where are you right now? 

I hear you say (in my imagination), “I am here”.

But let me prove that you are not “here”, wherever “here” happens to be for you.

Ready? Let’s go.

Are you in London? No.
Are you in New York? No.
Are you in Rome? No
Are you in Tokyo? No

(If you are in one of those places, change that question to use the name of another place, so that the answer “No” holds true for you.) 

So if you are not in London, New York, Rome or Tokyo (or the other place you chose), then you must be somewhere else. Right?

And if you are somewhere else (ready for it?), then you are not “here”.

Okay? Let it settle in. What?

The logic is right but the result is wrong. How did that happen?

I used this puzzle as an interesting way to draw attention to the original question – Where are you right now?

This question is the very first question in three sets of important, foundation questions designed to help you build Your Best Life. This question is number one because no matter where you want to go in life you must start the rest of your life journey from where you are right now.

The first set of three important foundation questions (the first question plus two more) is:

  • Where are you right now?
  • What situation are you in right now?
  • What are your circumstances right now?

Let us represent this first set of questions with a single word – and let that single word be Circumstances.

The second set of three important foundation questions is:

  • How do you feel about where you are right now?
  • What do you think about where you are right now?
  • What are you going to do about where you are right now?

Let us represent this second set of questions with the single word Action.

The third set of three important foundation questions is:

  • Where do you want to be at some point in the future?
  • What is the absolute best you can imagine for your life in the future?
  • What do you believe can be Your Best Life in the future?

Let us represent this third set of questions with the single word Results.

These three sets of questions give you a potential vehicle for your life journey, if you choose to take it. Consider the formula:

Circumstances + Action = Results; or in its shorter form C + A = R; or in its shortest form CAR. I invite you to take this CAR towards Your Best Life!

We will examine this formula, its elements, how to use it and how you can expect to benefit from it, in future articles.

Points to Ponder

  • How would you describe your current circumstances?
  • With what parts are you Delighted?
  • With what parts do you have Inspirational Dissatisfaction?
  • Where are you right now?

Copyright © 2021 John Harris