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Did you know you can get a sweat up without having to jump up and down? That’s right – low-impact interval training is great because you are moving your body in a way that elevates your heart rate, but doesn’t require high impact on your joints.

Some basic examples of low-impact bodyweight exercises include:

  1. Pushups
  2. Squats
  3. Lunges
  4. Mountain climbers
  5. Side taps, heel taps and arm raises

The basic premise: consistently move your body in full range of motion movements with short rest periods, and you have yourself an effective low-impact HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout.

Join me for a 10-minute low impact HIIT workout here:


Everyone loves a Greek salad, right? They are even better in Greece! But what if you’re dairy-intolerant, or want to reduce inflammatory foods (such as animal products) from your meals? Try this delish Vegan Greek Salad!

Vegan Greek Salad

Makes 6 serves

500g firm tofu, cubed

3 tomatoes, chopped

1 lebanese cucumber, chopped

1 small red onion, chopped

2 celery stalks, chopped

1 zucchini, chopped

1/2 cup black olives

Tofu ‘Feta’ Marinade

1 tsp grated ginger

1 tsp crushed garlic (1 clove)

1 tsp Celtic sea salt

1 tsp miso paste

1/4 cup lemon juice (2ish lemons)

1/4 cup olive oil

1/2 tsp maple syrup

1 tsp basil

1 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp oregano


1. Mix the marinade ingredients together, and pour over the tofu, leaving to marinate for a minimum of 1 hour. (Put tofu and marinade in a clip lock bag, lie it down to marinate, and turn over after 30 minutes).

2. Add the rest of the salad ingredients and mix well. Enjoy!


“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” Mahatma Ghandi

Our beliefs have such a significant impact on our lives, and most of the time we don’t even realise it. There can be empowering beliefs we hold, and disempowering ones. What ones drive your life?

Ask yourself: what is the single most pervasive limiting belief or negative self-talk phrase my mind has harboured? It’s probably a statement starting with something like ‘I’ll never…’ or ‘I can’t’ or ‘I’m not…’ or ‘I’ll always…’

What if you were able to remove this toxic, limiting belief and replace it with an empowering one?

Try this mindset practice, and rewrite the new, empowering, reframed belief for a minimum of 21 days:

  1. What is the strongest limiting belief you have been holding onto?
  2. Where did this limiting belief come from? Ask yourself, ‘why do I believe this?’
  3. What has believing this disempowering belief cost you? How can you question this belief and create doubt of its truth?
  4. What new empowering belief (truth) can you replace it with? (Write/speak this out daily)
  5. What actions will you take throughout the day to shift this limiting belief whenever it arises to the new belief?

Copyright © 2021 Alisha Christie